
Product Performance Guarantee: 100% Money Back Guarantee Including Shipping Costs

We guarantee your satisfaction when ordering our products in Quarts or smaller sizes (including all Small KITS) and 1 lb ND AGGREGATE™ for 60 days from the date that you receive your order. This guarantee is limited to one unit of each product. The purpose of this guarantee is to allow our customers at no cost including the cost of shipping/handling to test our products for suitability before ordering larger quantities. Testing our products on a small inconspicuous area will demonstrate its performance for your end use, and it will allow you to determine the exact spread rates of our sealers/finishes so that you will know how much product you need for your project. Contact us to complete our RETURN/REFUND FORM so that we may learn about your reasons for a return and properly credit your credit card when we authorize your request. Our form will be emailed to you. Provide an accurate email address. This Guarantee does not cover any of our products in gallon, or larges sizes; it covers only quart sizes and 1 lb bags of ND AGGREGATE™, and is limited to one unit per product. This Guarantee is valid only for shipments to the U.S.A. and Canada. We will refund the Shipping Costs in the amount of cost of Ground UPS.

Five-Year Warranty:

Your purchase of any of our primers/sealers/finishes/coatings is warranted to perform according to our specifications when applied and maintained according to our directions for 5 years. This warranty does not cover: misuse, misapplication, poor maintenance and high gloss. Your rights under this warranty are not transferable. Only the original buyer may file a claim with us under this warranty. If we determine the validity of a claim under this warranty, we will refund or replace the product(s) at your option less the time that the product(s) performed from the 5 year period. Example: If the product performed for 2.5 years, you could receive a refund of half the product cost, or replace the product at a credit of half of the List Price towards replacement.

Limitation Of Liability:

You understand and agree that the owners of this site shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, data or other intangible losses (even if the owners of this site have been advised of the possibility of such damages), resulting from the use or the inability to use the product(s) and or service(s) or any misuse of the product(s) and or service(s) in a manner not in accordance with their intended use. The user assumes full responsibility and risk in testing this product for the particular application and for determination of proper disposal method of chemical residues and cleaning implements according to State and Federal regulations. In no event shall New Dimensions Solutions, LLC be liable for consequential or incidental damages exceeding the cost of this product.

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